‘A World Of One’s Own’ - a series of conversations between Tai Snaith and a diverse group of different female-identifying and non-binary artists.
With a nod to Virginia Woolf’s essay ‘A Room of One’s Own’ from 1929, artist Tai Snaith has conducted a series of conversations with mid-career and emerging women and non-binary artists whom she admires. These relaxed, colloquial exchanges explore shifts and similarities that artists face in their lives and artistic practices. Together, they attempt to break down the how and why of making art. They look at physical processes and how they relate, not only to outcomes, but also connect to the unconscious or non-visual parallels and needs in our lives. Notions such as self-doubt, control, meaning, shame, risk, parenthood and radicalism are some of the rich topics covered. This project is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts.

Live Conversation with Tai Snaith and Janine Burke

A Task for Many Hands (Deborah Kelly)

Willing to Fight and Willing to Fail (Fiona McMonagle)

Wrestling with Control (Lily Mae Martin)

Sweeping in and Sorting Life (Elizabeth Gower)

Stitching Together (Lisa Waup)

Always Looking, Always Learning (Meredith Turnbull)

Seen and Heard (Rowan Oliver)

Markers of Occupation (Megan Cope)

Radical Intentions (Kate Just)

Lace Borders and Honey Highways (Stanislava Pinchuk)

Spatial Memories (Esther Stewart)

Portrait of a Bright Future (Atong Atem)

Invisible Forces of Powerful Women (Sanné Mestrom)

Agatha in Puzzling World (Agatha Gothe-Snape)

Stories of Fearless Women (Paola Balla)

Pansies, Moons and Chameleon Words (Laura Skerlj)

The Empathy Highway (Archie Barry)

The Same Sky (Lucreccia Quintanilla)

Making Dreams Come True (Maree Clarke)